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This policy and the associated guidance provide the framework across Alternative Futures Group(AFG) for the identification, assessment and management of adults aged 18 and over presenting with a choking risk in all care settings. Alternative Futures Group will also support the implementation of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 requirement that vulnerable people should be supported to make their own decisions, even if they appear unwise.
The purpose of this policy is to provide staff with:
Clear procedural guidance to ensure the service protects people, especially those with complex needs, from the associated risks to swallowing problems and who are at risk of choking.
Clear procedural guidance to ensure adequate and effective monitoring and review is carried out, including appropriate referral pathways, to ensure safe care and management of support needs for adults who present with a choking risk.
Each service uses different terminology to describe the adult and therefore for the purposes of this policy, the patient, person supported or resident, will be referred to as the ‘person we support’.
As a result of this policy, adults can be assured that they experience safe, effective, and appropriate care, treatment and support that meets their needs and protects their rights.


The aim of this Policy is to make Alternative Futures Group employees, including ex-employees, or anyone else providing a service on behalf of AFG, aware of an alternative way to raise concerns which they feel unable to raise with their line manager, or where they have done so, and it has not worked.   The concerns should be of a serious nature and may relate to: unlawful conduct, breaches of Policy, financial malpractice, health and safety issues or the abuse of service users.  Using this process will ensure that employees are afforded the protection which the law gives to workers who raise concerns.


This policy sets out how we encourage, monitor and respond to compliments, concerns & complaints about the services AFG provides.

Compliments, concerns and complaints can be received from anyone who has used or is using AFG’s services (or others acting on their behalf), or person who has been affected by an action, omission or decision made by AFG


People who use services benefit from safe quality care, treatment and support, due to effective decision making and the management of risks to their health, welfare and safety. This is provided through a framework which details the process to follow to ensure that clear lines of communication exist and that relevant information is passed between staff to ensure continuity of care/ support and operational systems.  This policy ensures that all required and necessary checks and sharing of information is done at appropriate intervals and recorded appropriately across all service types


Alternative Futures Group has an obligation to ensure that a responsible and competent person is available and contactable at all times.  This policy describes the processes in place for an effective ‘out of hour’s’ service which provides management level support and advice to service users and Alternative Futures Group Limited staff over a 24 hour basis.

This policy and guidance will adopt the ‘levels of seriousness’ of incidents as described in the Management Review of Significant Events and will reflect these principles when guiding staff of the appropriate level of on-call support required for a situation


Smoking is the largest single cause of death and disease in England.  The harm caused by second hand smoke is also well established.  As an employer Alternative Futures Group Limited has a duty under the Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 to keep staff and the people we support healthy and safe.  To do this the organisation has to balance the rights of the people we support to smoke against the rights of other people we support and staff to enjoy a smoke free home/workplace.  
This policy sets out the Organisation’s commitment to adhere to the new legislation and outlines the duties and responsibilities of all people we support and employees in implementing this policy.
This policy also includes appendices which services must use to formalise smoking agreements.  These can be customised by the property but the appendices set out the areas that require agreement.


Alternative Futures Group recognises the value felt by the people supported when they eat their meals with staff. However, the organisation is clear that when people supported are eating at home, that they must not be expected to fund or subsidise either:

  • the cost of these meals; or,

  • the costs for staff drinks and snacks that they would normally consume whilst on duty.

This policy will clearly set out Alternative Futures Group position, as well as offer clear procedural guidance on how this policy can be effectively implemented ensuring consistency across the organisation. 


To provide a clear understanding of the principle responsibilities and minimum standards in respect of addressing the Physical Health needs of Service Users whilst in contact with the Alternative Futures Group. The policy aims to reflect the requirement that a truly holistic approach is adopted to care that includes the effective planning for physical health and wellbeing of Service Users. The policy also describes the standard for the physical examination and assessment of inpatients.


Alternative Futures Group (AFG) support staff can administer prescribed medication (including controlled drugs) to a person supported by AFG with consent, in accordance with the Medications Act 1968 and Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.   

The policy and related guidance give direction and guidance for the safe and secure handling, storage and administration of medication, required level of training and recording processes. 

The level of support from care staff to the person supported will vary but may include: 

·      Ordering their medication/picking up prescriptions 

·      Liaising with pharmacies and doctors 

·      Handling and storing medication safely 

·      Assisting the person supported to take their medication safely 

·      Record-keeping and completing medication administration record (MAR) sheets 

·      Return/disposal of medication 


Safeguarding means protecting an adult’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect.  It is about people and organisations working together to prevent and stop the risks and experiences of abuse, neglect or improper practice, while at the same time making sure that the adult’s wellbeing is promoted including, where appropriate having regards to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs in deciding on any action. 
The aim of this policy is to ensure that throughout the work of AFG we will safeguard and promote the welfare of adults at risk. We aim to do this by ensuring that we comply with statutory and local guidance for safeguarding and by ensuring safeguarding the rights of adults at risk is integral to all we do. 
Please note:  safeguarding adults and children’s local multi-agency policy and procedures take primacy over this policy.


It is recognised that falls can occur for any age group however, this is particularly evident in the older population, with those over 65 years old being at highest risk. However, falls and fall-related injuries are a common and fundamental problem within other groups, particularly those who have underlying disease or chronic conditions. Falls are a major cause of disability and the leading cause of mortality, resulting from injury in the UK. Thus, the cost of falls is both financial and human.

This policy sets out to raise staff awareness and provide clear guidance in managing the risk of People Supported falls. Further, it aims to ensure the efficient and effective management of falls takes place to enable a reduction in the number of occurrences and to reduce any associated harm.

The policy will support identification of Service Users who are at risk of falling and identify interventions required to reduce and manage this risk.









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